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All These Dutch Connections...

Oranjehof was created by the Dutch community in Aotearoa Nieuw Zeeland. We've had huge support from the entire Dutch gemeenschap - from all the clubs and organisations, businesses, artists, experts: too many to mention - to set up Oranjehof, over a period of more than a decade.


Money passed hands, family and personal treasures were donated, people spontaneously helped out with all kinds of activities and initiatives. It was an incredible experience of sharing and learning from each other, about all our stories and experiences, plus our interconnectedness with each other. 

These Dutch connections? They are real! Our culture is vibrant, and very much alive...! 

So thanks to you all, for creating Oranjehof and making it echt Nederlands. Be assured. Almost every Dutch person who walks out of Oranjehof, has a smile on their face, or a tear in their eyes.  

Aims of the Dutch Connection Trust


As we state it, officially, in our Constitution:   Oranjehof tells the stories of Dutch New Zealanders and preserves the Dutch immigrants’ cultural heritage.

The Dutch Connection Centre will be a source of inspiration for enhanced collaboration and inspiration.

It will spark opportunities, sharing and understanding through vibrant, rich connections between:

- de Nederlanders in Nieuw Zeeland

- the past, present and future

- Nieuw Zealand en Nederland




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